KEONG RACUN !!!!!!!!

Balada Orang Ngupil

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Ngupil??? setiap orang pasti sering melakukan hal ini. Mengapa mereka terkadang begitu senang dengan kegiatan ini. Berikut penelitian investigasi oleh keongracun -lagi ada kegiatan yang jelas-hahahaha...Keongracun berusaha mengupas ngupil-mengupil. Terkadang ngupil itu menurut mereka membuat ketagihan Mengapa demikian? mereka bilang ini seperti narkoba, membuat kita bikin kecanduan untuk ngupil, ntah di waktu sempit atau waktu luang, atau di kamar sendirian, di keramaian atau sedang di depan komputer, tapi bagi mereka hal itu begitu nikmat. Dan menurut kami yang menindak lanjuti dari upil-mengupil yang menawan dan membuat ketagihan si "pemakai", mereka tak segan untuk ngupil dengan tampang bego dan beberapa seleb pun tertangkap saat mereka sedang ngupil!!!!!!!!!! watefak....

Dan bagi keongracun sendiri ngupil adalah hal indah untuk membuang waktu yg efektif. Mengapa bisa begitu?? karena menurut keongracun ngupil selain menimbulkan efek ketagihan dan kenikmatan yang tiada kira. Ngupil juga membuat pose keongracun tampil sensual. Believe it!! wkakkakakaka....

That's all for day dan tetap setia untuk mengupil ria. hahahaha...
Salam upil!!!


The Twilight Saga

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Interview with Taylor Lautner
Written by Christina RadishThe Twilight Saga: New Moon is sure to shine the spotlight on actor Taylor Lautner, way more so than he received for his performance in Twilight. Even though legions of fans already love him for being a part of the first film, New Moon showcases his talents as Jacob Black, the werewolf vying for the affections of best friend Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), while her vampire love is gone.

The personable and gracious 17-year-old is soaking up all of the extraordinary experiences being a part of this film franchise has brought him and is taking it all in stride, as he prepares for the release of New Moon. At the film's press day, Taylor Lautner talked about proving his ability to convincingly portray the transformation of Jacob Black.

Q: Did it ever feel like you were really in danger of not getting the role in this movie?

Taylor: Honestly, I knew where my character went in New Moon and that's all I tried to stay focused on. I couldn't control things outside. I couldn't control the media. But, I could control what I was doing to portray Jacob Black correctly. That's what I stayed focused on, the whole entire time.

Q: Did that start with going to the gym and gaining 30 lbs?

Taylor: Absolutely. Jacob transforms a lot in New Moon, not only physically. but mentally and emotionally as well. So, it was a matter of getting to the gym and eating the right food, and a lot of it. But, it was also about reading and studying the book and the character, over and over and over again, so I could have his character down as well because he changes in many, many different ways

Q: How does he change?

Taylor: Basically, my job was to continue what I started in Twilight, which was this extremely happy, friendly, outgoing guy, who is best friends with Bella. I had to continue that for the first half of the film, but as soon as he transforms, he snaps and becomes a completely different person. He's dealing with his issues and it's really hard for him.

Q: You have a lot of opportunities in the film to show off your new physique, like when Jacob takes off his t-shirt to wipe Bella's blood.

Taylor: I start laughing so hard, every time I see that scene. "You're bleeding? Okay, let me fix it." It's so embarrassing. Here's the thing: there's a reason that he's not wearing clothes, all the time. One, when he transforms, all his clothes get shredded. He can't help it. And, when he goes into the woods to get something to put on, so that he's not naked, it's just a ripped pair of jean shorts. He's also hot. He's 108 degrees. So, that's another reason. The thing is, I love this character and story, and putting on the weight and not wearing much clothing was required by the role. A year from now, if I love a story and I love a character that requires me to lose 40 lbs, I'm ready to do it.

Q: What exactly did you do to change your body so drastically? What did you eat? How did you exercise?

Taylor: I was in the gym about five days a week because it's important to get your recovery time and not overwork yourself. I was trying to put on weight and, if I was in the gym too much, I'd be burning the calories I'm trying to take in. The most important thing was the eating side. Everybody thinks it was the actual getting in the gym, but that was easy. I was motivated. But, the eating was pretty hard.

It was just eating a lot. I found out that I had to consume at least 3,200 calories a day, just to maintain, and I was trying to gain, so I had to eat more than that. And, I had to put something in my mouth, every two hours. I'm busy. I'd be in downtown L.A., going from meeting to meeting, and there was not time for me to be eating. So, I literally would have to carry a little baggie of beef patties, raw almonds and sweet potatoes. It was difficult.

Q: Do you have a personal trainer?

Taylor: I do. I definitely had one that helped me out.

Q: Was there any concern about Jacob overshadowing Edward? Was that something you had to temper, in your own performance?

Taylor: I think it depends on what kind of girl you are and what kind of guy you like. Edward and Jacob are completely opposite guys. They're hot and cold, literally. I, personally, love Bella and Jacob's relationship, how they begin with best friends and it starts to grow into something more and more. Both guys are in love with Bella. Both guys are always going to be there for Bella, and they're protective. I just think it's what kind of guy you like.

Q: Can you talk about the stunt and wire work? How difficult was that to get used to?
Taylor: The physical side was really fun. Some of it was challenging. I'd never ridden a dirt bike before. Yes, I rode the dirt bike for a total of about five seconds in the film, but for those five seconds, I had to look as cool as possible, so it did require a lot of practice, safety-wise, for them to let me do it. And, like when I run up the side of Bella's house, the wires were there so that, if I slipped and fell, I didn't face plant into the ground. It was definitely challenging. That stunt was really complicated. You need to be on. I was using a little plug in the side of the wall to take off from and jump, so it was really complicated and it required a lot of practice. Every single weekend, I would practice that stunt, for three hours a day. It was the last thing we filmed.

Q: What was it like to bond with the other Wolf Pack guys?

Taylor: The bonding with the werewolves was very fun. Those guys are characters. They're great guys. What's so great is that they each fit their character perfectly. On set, we just had a blast. They just made it so exciting.

Q: They were talking about getting the Wolf Pack tattoo for real. Are you in?

Taylor: I don't know. I'll have to think about that. I'll have to discuss it with my pack.

Q: What is the strangest thing that has ever been written about you?

Taylor: Honestly, I try to stay away from what has been written about me 'cause if you let that stuff get to you and it's not true, it can drive you crazy. One thing that I have heard recently, which is not true and I definitely didn't say it, was when I was quoted as saying I will never take my shirt off for a movie again. If I have to and the character requires it, I will. Who knows? In 10 years, I might do that. It's just what the character requires. So, that was interesting to see.

Q: How do you balance letting the public and fans know who you really are, outside of Jacob, while still keeping your private life private?

Taylor: It's difficult. It's definitely important to stay true to yourself and stay close to those people you were close to before, like your family and friends, and just not let that outside stuff get to you.

Q: This movie is going to make you a bigger star. Going into this movie with a bigger role, how did you prepare yourself for that?

Taylor: I don't think there's any way to prepare yourself for this phenomenon, just because none of us expected it. When we were filming Twilight, we didn't expect anything. We were just filming a movie that we wanted the fans to enjoy, and then it just blew into this whole other world. I don't think that there's a way to prepare for that. You could definitely say I felt a little bit of pressure trying to bring Jacob's character, and Jake and Bella's relationship, alive for the fans. This movie definitely develops their relationship and sets up the love triangle, so it's a very important story.

Q: What is it like for you to see all the posters and billboards with your face on it? Is that strange for you?

Taylor: Yeah, of course. I don't think there's a way to ever get used to it. It's not normal to drive down the street and see your face up there. But, it's Twilight. It comes with the job.

Q: What was it like to film Valentine's Day with Taylor Swift?

Taylor: That movie was a lot of fun, and it comes out pretty soon after New Moon does. It's going to be fun. There were a lot of fantastic actors in it. I got to work with legendary director Garry Marshall, and Taylor was great as well. I'm excited for everyone to see that.

Q: When will that be out?

Taylor: In February.

Q: Was it hard to squeeze that in with your schedule?

Taylor: It was hard, yeah. We had a very short break, between New Moon and Eclipse, and I knew that I wanted to be part of this film somehow, just to work with Garry and the entire cast. I was able to squeeze a short thing in, quickly.

Q: What about you and Taylor Swift? Is that a publicity thing because the film is coming out, or are you really dating?

Taylor: The very funny thing is that all of you have seen every single move I make. So, I guess I can leave it up to you to decide.

Q: How freeing was it to get rid of Jacob's wig?
Taylor: It was very freeing. I'd look at myself in the mirror and I wouldn't even be able to recognize myself. It was so weird just to see that hair on me. It was also very itchy, hot and annoying. And, it slowed down the filming process. Whenever it got caught in my eye or whatever, we'd have to cut and start over. It got caught in my mouth and I'd be spitting hair out in the middle of the scene. I'm coming this close to kissing Bella and I'd have to spit my hair out. It was annoying.

We actually had a picture wrap on the wig. The crew claps for you at the end of shooting. My last day of filming with the wig, we ripped it off, held it up in the air and were like, "That's a picture wrap on Taylor's wig." The whole crew gave it a standing ovation. It was amazing. It was great to chop that thing off.

Q: You know, there's practically an international countdown for your 18th birthday. Have you thought at all about how you'd like to celebrate?

Taylor: I haven't even begun. We are so busy, I'm taking one day at a time. I wasn't aware of this countdown. It's a big day, so yeah, as soon as I finish promoting New Moon, maybe I'll be able to think about that.

Q: Have you had a particularly touching or sweet fan encounter?

Taylor: Man, we have fans all the time that will just burst into tears, and that's just moving. It must mean so much for them to meet us. It's an amazing feeling to know that you can touch somebody that way. It also makes you sad. I'm like, "Don't cry. Stop crying." You don't know what to do. You're like, "It's okay." It's hard. We feel bad for them, but you're also happy, at the same time

Q: When would it help, in your real life, to turn into a werewolf?

Taylor: Oh, boy. I don't know. I guess when you're younger and you're in school and you're being picked on by some bullies, or you get in a fight with your little sister. That's a good question. I don't think that it would be a good situation. It could get very, very ugly

Q: Who would win in a fight between Shark Boy and Jacob?

Taylor: That's a good question. At the moment, I'd have to say Jacob. Wolves are pretty strong and fast.

Q: What was it like to say goodbye to both Edi Gathegi and Rachelle Lefevre? Have you gotten to know Bryce Dallas Howard?

Taylor: It was definitely sad to see both of them go. The whole entire cast loves both of them. They are great people. But, Bryce is amazing. She's extremely talented and a great girl, as well. We're definitely lucky to be surrounded by an amazing cast.

Q: Who else are you close to?

Taylor: I wouldn't be able to pick one. If I were to start, I'd end up listing the whole cast. I do spend a lot of time with Kristen because all my scenes are involved with her, so Kristen and I are very close. I guess I'm close with Rob, too, 'cause we spend a lot of time together as well. But, the great thing about this series is that the whole entire cast is so close, and it would be a nightmare if we weren't. It would be impossible to make this series because the characters are so tight. So, we're really thankful that we all get along so well.

Q: What has it been like working in Vancouver, Canada?

Taylor: Canada is great. I've spent a while there. I've spent six months out of this year. The first time we were there, it was really rainy, dark and cloudy. It was snowing. That was difficult weather-wise. But, it's just one of the most beautiful cities and I'm definitely going to miss it a lot.

Q: How was it to film Eclipse? What can you say about that film?

Taylor: Filming Eclipse was beautiful. Eclipse was my favorite book, so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that it's the height of the love triangle. Twilight develops Edward and Bella's relationship, New Moon develops Jacob and Bella's, and in Eclipse the three of them are physically together. It has one of my favorite scenes ever, in that movie. The tent scene, where Edward is forced, and I guess it was a choice of his, to let me sleep in the same sleeping bag as Bella, just so she doesn't die, because she's shivering to death and I'm warm. I'm the only thing, at that moment, that can keep her alive. It's a funny scene. There's a lot of ribbing going on between Jacob and Edward. It's going to be a really good movie and visually stunning. David Slade is incredible visually.

Q: How cold and how challenging was it not to shiver during that scene in the rain between Jacob and Bella?

Taylor: The challenging thing is that Jacob is supposed to be extremely hot, so he's not supposed to feel cold at all. The worst scene for that was the rain scene, the break-up scene where Bella first sees Jacob after his transformation. We're standing on this little hill, right behind Jacob's house, and it was 35 degrees and pouring rain on top of us. It was not regular rain. It was rain tower rain, which comes straight from the springs. And, the scene was very long. It took four minutes to film the scene, and we filmed the same scene, all day long. So, it was really, really rough. It was hard. As soon as we'd call cut, we'd run over to a heater quick and wrap ourselves in blankets. We'd have two minutes off before we'd have to go do another take.

So, the weather was definitely extremely challenging. I just had to take myself to another world, so that during the scene, I wasn't sitting there shivering. It was hard. Sometimes I'd catch myself and I'd have to stop.

Q: You didn't catch a cold?

Taylor: No, I didn't. I'm really surprised by that, actually. I thought for sure that I was going to get sick.

Q: In the movie, Jacob speaks Spanish to Bella. Do you speak any Spanish at all, and are you going to speak more Spanish in Eclipse?

Taylor: I don't speak much Spanish. I took it in school, but that was about it. I think it's just Jacob's personality. He's really outgoing and he's random. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with his character. It's just the fact that he's friendly and you never know what to expect.

I didn't speak any Spanish in Eclipse. That was a bummer. But, at the end of this one I did speak a little bit of Quileute, when I was leaning in to kiss her in the kitchen. I'm not gonna tell you what I said. I'll leave that to you to figure out. But, it was really cool. There's only like four people left in the world that actually speak Quileute, and we were able to talk to one of these ladies. It was really interesting.

Q: What did you think of your wolf, when you got to see it on screen?

Taylor: I was blown away. I was really excited. When I was filming the famous trailer shot, where Jacob is running through the field, and I jump up and fly in midair, I was attached to wires. I was running and I let the wires pull me up in the air and jerk me to a stop, and I just had to freeze there and let them convert my body into a CGI wolf. The whole time, I was like, "I hope I look cool." And, after I saw the final version, it was amazing. The fight scene that comes right after that, between Jacob and Paul, was so cool. I thought they were extremely powerful and looked very real.

Q: With you being so busy and this being the end of your teenage years, how are you trying to relish it and make sure that this isn't all a blur in five years?

Taylor: I must say I'm having the time of my life. It couldn't be a better end to my teenage years. I'm doing what I love, and I'm spending time with the people that I love, so it's great. I'm definitely never, ever going to forget this.

Q: Who would win in a fight between Jacob and Edward? And what about between you and Rob?

Taylor: Oh, man. I don't know about between me and Rob. He actually does a lot of boxing, in his time off. It might be a good match-up. We were actually discussing who would win in a fight between Jacob and Edward, while we were on set. There's a scene outside Bella's house where Edward grabs Jacob's shoulder and Jacob doesn't take that, so takes his arm and rips it off, and that moment Jacob would transform into a wolf.

We were having that discussion and it got really deep. We were like, "If Jacob were to poof into a wolf right now, what would happen? Who would win?" Our discussion points were that wolves are usually with their pack, so if Jacob is without his pack, is he going to be weaker? Honestly, I don't know. That discussion is still up in the air. We should probably get Stephenie Meyer on the line and ask her.

Q: Aside from the physical, how has being part of this phenomenon transformed you?

Taylor: Really, I'd have to say the biggest transformation would be my schedule. I'm really, really busy, but it's a lot of fun. I just got back from South America and I am in Los Angeles for three days, and then I go to Europe. I'm really, really busy, but it's been a lot of fun. It's been a great experience. I'm really excited to be a part of this thing.

Q: With Rob and Kristen being a bit older than you, have they given you any advice about enjoying the moment?

Taylor: No. I think most of our talking has pretty much stayed on a business level, and that's the great thing with our relationship. All of us are completely open and not afraid. We don't hold anything back. We talk about our characters together, and have meetings to discuss our characters. It's really, really helpful, but we haven't gotten to life talks yet.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon opens in theaters everywhere on November 20th, 2009. (from: Christina Radish)



Kamis, 19 November 2009

Weisss... film yang kemaren ngbooming di Indonesia. saat ini muncul dengan seri terbarunya: THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON


Movie 2012 !!!!!

This thiller film yang lagi booming banget!! dimana konom katanya film ini yang menampilkan bayangan sebuah kiamat yang akan dihadapi bumi kelak. Watch this!!!!


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Keongracun photos !!!

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Look my photos with personil keong racun.. ya walau pun ini baru ebagian kecil dari keeksisan kita-kita, tapi ini dapat membuat sebuah kenangan bagi kami semua. WE ARE KEONGRACUN !!! KITA AKAN SELALU EKSIS DIMANA PUN !!!! hahahaha...


C.A.P (Cinta Anton dan Putri)

Kisah cinta. Apakah itu anugrah? Apakah itu sebuah kebahagiaan? atau hanya merasakan sakit hati yang sangat pada akhirya. Mungkin aku tidak mudah menjawab atau memperkirakannya, tetapi menurutku kisah cinta hanya membuang waktuku untuk berjuang mnggapai ciat-cita dan impianku. Begitulah kata-kata hati yang berbisik dari seorang pelajar jenius dan berbakat yang sedang termenung dalam teriknya siang itu. Walau pun tampang, kepribadian dan styleku terbilang oke dan aku mudah berinteraksi dengan siapapun, tetapi untuk menjalin suatu kisah cinta rasanya begitu sulit bagiku.

Cinta, Cinta, Cinta . . .

Apakah aku akan merasakan indahnya cinta??

Joe mengampiri sosok pelajar yang sedang termenung.
"Hey! Ngapain bengong gitu? Siang bolong gini malah melamun. hahaha.." kata Joe, sahabat karib Anton.
"Hah! Apaan?" kata Anton yang terbangun dari lamunannya. Anton adalah pelajar SMA yang berhasil mengarumkan nama sekolahnya dalam bidang science. Selain itu ia pun berbakat di bidang olahraga.
"Ngelamunin yang aneh-aneh ya kau? Tumben seorang pelajar berprestasi sedang melamun," canda Joe.
"Wah. bercanda ini! Memangnya saya tidak boleh apa?! Saya bukannya melamun, tapi lagi termenung!" sergah Anton.
"Sorry bro," kata Joe.
"Ya sudah tak apa! Ayo kita ke kantin! Saya sudah lapar," ajak Anton sembari menarik tangan Joe menuju kantin sekolah. Bagi Anton, Joe adalah sahabat yang selalu bisa membuatnya tertawa di saat dia kesusahan. Mereka bagai 2 orang manusia yang selalu teguh dan setia dengan namanya persahabatan, walau berbagai suka dan duka mereka sering berbagi hanya untuk membebaskan beban pikiran mereka agar menjalani hidup dengan senyuman. Dan inilah merupakan keindahan dalam persahabatan, saling mendukung, saling menasihati dan saling berbagi.

Dalam kehangatan obrolan 2 sahabat ini di kantin sekolah.
"Ton, kamu tahu gadis tercantik di sekolah ini?" kata Joe membuka obrolannya dengan Anton.
"Memangnya siapa? Selama ini aku jarang memikirkan hal seperti itu," kata Anton sambil memainkan sendok dan sepiring nasi goreng yang ia pesan.
"Yaaa... Kemana aja kamu? Sekali-kali tak apa lah mengetahui hal seperti itu, daripada dengan buku terus. hehe... Begini sobat, menurut teman-teman kita, Putri itu adalh gadis tercantik di sekolah ini," kata Joe.
"Terus?" kata Anton yang masih asik memainkan sendok dan sesekali menyuapkan nasi goreng itu ke mulutnya.
"Menurut gosip yang beredar di kalangan teman-teman, si Putri itu naksir kamu lho! Sepertinya dia tertarik sama kamu," tambah Joe.
"Oyah?? Bagus lah. Berarti, meskipun aku sibuk mengutak-atik pelajaran masih ada gadis yang tertarik denganku," kata Anton datar. Joe pasrah saja melihat Anton, sahabatnya ini yang seperti tidak tertarik dengan apa yang ia katakan. Tetapi ini adalah awal bagi Anton, seorang pelajar berprestasi ini untuk pertama kalinya merasakan indahnya cinta dan Joe ingin Anton merasakannya, sahabat karibnya walau ia hanya memendam keinginan itu dan tidak dibicarakan ke sahabatnya.

Seminggu kemudian. Joe mendekati Putri yang sedang berkumpul dengan teman-temannya.
"Hay Put." sapa Joe kepada Putri.
"Hay juga.. Joe??" kata Putri membalas teguran Joe.
"Hmm... Maaf ganggu nih. Joe cuma mau nanya beneran kamu suka Anton, sahabatnya Joe?" tanya Joe yang ingin membuktikan gosip itu.
"Iya... Emang kenapa?" balas Putri malu-malu.
"Enggak kok, Joe ingin membuktikan gosip yang lge ng-in di sekolah. Ya kalau Putri beneran suka Anton, Joe bantu deh. Lagi pula Joe ingin lihat sahabat Joe ini merasakan jatuh cinta dan itu pun kalau Putri serius dengan dia," papar Joe.
"Ou... Sekarang Antonnya mana? Tumben ga bareng dia,"
"Biasalah dia lagi di perpus. Siswa berprestasi sih kebanyakan gaul dengan buku. hehe... Nah ini kesempatan Put untuk berkenalan dengan Anton," tambah Joe sambil mengajak Putri ke Perpustakaan Sekolah.

Tiba di perpus, Joe menyuruh Putri masuk ke dalam perpus, tetapi ia tidak melihat Anton. Saat menyusuri barisan rak buku tanpa sengaja Putri menabrak seseorang.
"Aduh... maaf! Saya tidak sengaja," ujar Putri sambil membereskan buku yang berserakan.
"Tak apa," balas lelaki itu, dingin.
Ketika kedua remaja itu berdiri dan bertatap muka. Mereka terpake, terpesona dan saling takjub apa yang mereka saling lihat.
"Anton??" tanya Putri kemudian.
"Iya. Kok kamu tahu namaku?" kata Anton kebingungan.
"Aku Putri,"
"Putri?" ujar Anton. "Jangan-jangan dia gadis yang waktu itu diceritakan oleh si Joe. Wahhh... ternyata benar dia memang cantik," dalam batin Anton takjub.
"Anton! kok melamun sih," sergah Putri.
"Ah.. Ou enggak apa-apa," kata Anton, terkejut.
Dari awal pembicaraan ini tampak Anton dan Putri semakin akrab saja dan Joe sebagai sahabat Anton merasa senang dan tersenyum melihat Anton yang jatuh cinta kepada Putri begitu pula sebaliknya.

Sebulan kemudian,
"Hey Joe !!!" kata Anton, ceria.
"Wahh... Lagi seneng ya?" tanya Joe, tersenyum.
"Yaaaaa... hahahaha.. Tahu saja kau. Begini kawan Anton yang sekarang sedang jatuh cinta,"
"Oiyah. Selamet ya.. Terus kpan kamu mau nyatakan cinta kamu ke dia?"
"Aku maunya hari Minggu sore, tempatnya . . . . . . . ada deh. hahahaha.... tapi aku bingung bagaimana menyatakannya, aku tak ahli dalam percintaan," tutur Anton.
"Ehmmm.... kalau kata Joe biar romantis dan berkenang buat dia, Anton coba dengan sebuah pucuk puisi dan bacakan dengan hati yang tulus kepada dia," saran Joe.
"Oke! Anton usahakan, walau jujur Anton tidak bisa dalam berbahasa apalagi dengan namanya sebuah puisi cinta," kata Anton.
"Sippp!! Good luck ya sob!" kata Joe tersenyum sembari menjabat tangannya Anton.

Minggu sore, di sebuah teluk dengan karang-karang yang indah nan kokoh menahan ganasnya deburan ombak, terlihat dua insan remaja berjalan di bawah sang mentari yang akan kembali ke peraduannya.

"Put... Anton ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu," kata Anton yang terlihat gugup, namun dia berusaha untuk tetap tenang dan memegang tangan Putri dengan mesra.
"Hah? Boleh. Memangnya mau mengungkapkan apa?" kata Putri, penasaran dan dia tau Anton akan menyatakan cintanya kepada dia, Putri menunggu.
"Sejak pertemuan kita di perpus dulu, Anton merasa jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dan Anton ingain memberikan sesuatu yang bernama cinta kepada mu," lanjut Anton
"Wahhh.... so sweet banget. Sebenarnya Puti juga suka kamu dan setelah pertemuan itu juga Putri merasa jatuh cinta,"
"Kalau begitu dengarkan puisi yang khusus Anton ciptakan untuk mu, Putri. Walau aku tak jago berbahasa, tetapi untuk rasa cinta yang sudah memuncak ini akan Anton bacakan puisi cinta yang tulus dari hati,"

Be My Love

Untuk... tersayang
Tiga minggu yang lalu...
Untuk pertama kalinya
kulihat alismu yang berbentuk setengah lingkaran dengan sumbu diameter 4 cm
Saat itulah kurasakan sesuatu yang lain dari padamu
Kurasakan cinta yang rumit bagaikan invers matriks berordo 5x5
Satu minggu kemudian aku bertemu kau lagi...
Kurasakan cintaku bertambah,
bagaikan deret divergen yang mendekati tak hingga
Dan aku semakin yakin,
hukum cinta kita bagaikan hukum kekekalan trigonometri sin2 + cos2 = 1
Kurasakan dunia bagaikan kubus ini menjadi milik kita berdua
Dari titik sudut yang berseberangan,
kau dan aku bertemu di perpotongan diagonal ruang
Walau susah sungguh bagai asimtot,
ku nyatakan cinta yang tulus ini....
be my love. . . .

Putri terkejut sungguh dang dengan gugup ia jawab,
"A... Aku juga sungguh cinta padamu,"

Dengan malam yang mul;ai menyelimuti bumi dan cinta yang sedang mekar di teluk dengan keindahan karangnya, Anton dan Putri menjalin ikatan bahagia yang bernama CINTA.




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